As I was reading through my LinkedIn feed the other day, I noticed many people were talking about employees leaving their jobs. It's an interesting topic, so I thought I'd share the most common reasons people have given for leaving their jobs based on conversations with candidates.
I always ask applicants why they would like to leave their current role to ensure the opportunity is a right fit and to also educate employers on why employees leave (like this blog😎).
Surprisingly enough, it is not their pay that causes employees to leave. While that is a motivational change for a few, or even for them not accepting job offers, most are looking for the same pay range when they are active candidates.
Not Enough Staff
Sometimes, I do not understand this; the first thing businesses cut is payroll. While it is a controllable expense, it is the worst thing you can do in a company, as this puts such a strain on employees and patient care.
Employees want a work-life balance and do not want to put in straining hours a day in a business or float from companies due to staff shortages. If your schedule has been booked out for the past two weeks, I recommend hiring more individuals. Stability is a good thing; complacency is not.
No Investment
Being adequately trained on how to do your job well is essential for feeling valued by your employer; if you don't receive adequate training, then you won't be able to perform as well as expected, which could lead to negative consequences such as getting reprimanded or even fired!
Employees who feel their boss doesn't care about them or their development will not stick around for long. Whether it's because their boss doesn't have time for one-on-one meetings anymore or because they're constantly criticizing instead of helping—it doesn't matter what the reason is; if your boss isn't invested in your success, then why should you be?
Lack of Growth
We all want to feel like we're moving forward with our careers! If someone feels like there's no path forward within an organization, they'll start looking elsewhere for opportunities that will allow them to grow and develop professionally.
The thing about career development is that it's all about personal growth. It's not just about getting promoted to the next position or making more money; it's about feeling like you're growing as a person at work every day. And if you don't feel like your employer supports that goal, then you need to find somewhere else that does.
When people are looking for jobs, they want to know that their employer will support them. If you can't provide that, your candidates will move on to the next opportunity.
If you want to keep great talent, ensure that you're providing them with plenty of opportunities for growth within your organization.
Someone once told me, "That it's been a roller coaster ride. One day I'll be praised for my hard work and dedication to the company, and the next day I'll be criticized for something small that I didn't even do."
If you never know what type of mood your boss will be in when they walk through the door each morning, it's like walking on eggshells daily at work because you don't want to make any mistakes or say anything wrong. After all, then you'll get yelled at or worse--fired!
Wow! No one should feel that way…period.
They didn't like the culture at the company - one person said it felt like high school all over again, and another said there was too much emphasis on hierarchy and not enough on collaboration.
When it comes to job security, many people will choose an environment where they feel safe and respected over one where they don't feel safe or respected regardless of pay or other factors because it's about feeling comfortable and happy at work! If you don't feel like you belong to an organization, staying there is no point because it won't be enjoyable or fulfilling.
It doesn't have to be this way!
If you want your business to succeed in today's competitive marketplace, you need to invest in your employees by offering them something other than a paycheck. There are ways to retain top talent by providing benefits like healthcare, paid time off, and career development opportunities or by creating a fun workplace culture where people feel like they're part of something special.
Oh, and do not overwork them 👁️👁️